Curious people tend to go somewhere in order to find something, they have a purpose. They are moved and get carried away by the desire to explore complex settings.
Global local systems have proven to be extremely dependent upon the coherence of multiple, ubiquitous and simultaneous (in)direct interactions.
This condition has been equally accounted for both, the success of many contemporary cities, and for the lack of resilience of the same infrastructure system.
This leaves me hanging with a recurrent thought:
How are these cities, and their inhabitants, going to manifest through the complexity of uncertainty and ambiguity? (the unknown-unknowns)
My previous leadership experience was motivated by the willingness to explore paths to get involved in practical experiences to learn through self-awareness and teamwork strategies.
My background as an entrepreneur, architect and urban designer, was deeply influenced by a transdisciplinary approach oriented toward nonlinear dynamic processes.
I am a person with a strong sense of belonging, enthusiastic, and determined to adapt existing mechanisms for transformative action upon the human need in cities for meaning and connectivity.
The process to understand what the problem actually is, has led me to realize that it is directly related to the quality and variety of the questions we ask.
Accordingly, I challenge myself everyday to become an influential participant in the decisions that shape our communities.
Systems Thinking; Social Innovation; Design Research; Ethnographic Research; Workshops; Business Model Design; Foresight & Scenario Co-Development; Executive Production; Project Management.
Adobe Creative Suite; Microsoft Office; AutoCAD; InVision.
References and Resume upon request.